Hair Vitamins are an important part of your diet!

Hair Vitamins are an important part of your diet!
Phytospecific Vitamins

Thursday, April 1, 2010

'In Between" Stage...Limbo!

The In Between (Natural v/s Chemical)

When you're in that 'in between' stage, the first thing that comes to mind is going back to a chemical. Let's face it, it's easier! I think I felt safer when my hair was much longer with the remainder of perm on the ends. However, the two textures literally drove me crazy. The new growth was so strong, where as, the permed ends were weak and frail. Now that I've cut the permed ends totally , my comfort level is gone! Sigh...I can't win!
So, I've devised options for that 'in between' stage. 

If you're a fan of the natural 'Afrocentric' look:
1) Two strand twists
2) Flat twists
3) Braided sets
4) Natural afros
5). Combination: braids in the front/ twists set
6) Braids, Sistah twists, and Kinky twists

If you still enjoy the ' mainstream' look:
1) Trendy hats
2) Mini Falls (half wigs)
3) Sew-ins
4) Cute 'hook on' ponytails
*As I've stated before, this is truly a journey. You have to be geared up for the ride!
Hope this helps:-))

I'd like to hear some of your ideas...

Monday, March 29, 2010

Black women and thinning edges!

List of don'ts!

-tight braids
-tight ponytails
-over processed edges
-shampoos w/ a high PH
-misuse of bonding (weave)
-no gels and spritz
-tight roller sets (away from the frontal area)

List of Do's!

-scalp manipulations
-light moisturizers (every 3 days)
-essential oils (i.e rosemary/ jojoba)
-shampoo systems with a low PH and moisturizing agents

*I retail great shampoo systems, essential oils, and light moisturizers...get in touch!:-))

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Shampoo Caddy!

You should have a 'shampoo caddy' underneath your bathroom sink!

Shampoo Caddy consists of:

1). A shampoo system (shampoo/conditioner). Your shampoo should be sulfate-free!

2). A wide tooth comb

3). A towel

4). A spray nozzle

5). Spray bottle

* We retail sulfate-free shampoo systems!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Natural or Relaxed?

It's been exactly 1 year and 1 month since my last chemical service and I'm losing my ever lasting mind! It's March...spring is in the air, and my hair is going through a saga of its own. Although I've preached and talked everybody I know into going natural...I'm having my own doubts on staying.

There are so many benefits to being natural: the strength in each strand, the overall health/ integrity of the hair, the almighty natural shine , and the beauty of my very own natural curl pattern; when properly conditioned. It makes me proud to see the thickness of what God bestowed upon me, before "Creamy Crack" invaded my world. Layman's term: the need to be straight all of the time...the quick and easy fix!:-0

... exercise becomes impossible, April showers are never enjoyed, and nervous sweats...well lets just say, it's like watching biscuits rise!

Is it mainstream beauty or less maintenance?
My hair is in limbo because of my loyalty of loving what God created me to have versus the "WANT" for "KISS"--keeping it simple! In my opinion, beauty is ambiguity and should NEVER be placed in a realm of established truths!

So, that's my story guys, minus a whole bunch of irrelevant factors. I'd love to hear some of your hair stories.

I retail great products for natural and relaxed hair! Check out my website:
