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Friday, March 26, 2010

Natural or Relaxed?

It's been exactly 1 year and 1 month since my last chemical service and I'm losing my ever lasting mind! It's March...spring is in the air, and my hair is going through a saga of its own. Although I've preached and talked everybody I know into going natural...I'm having my own doubts on staying.

There are so many benefits to being natural: the strength in each strand, the overall health/ integrity of the hair, the almighty natural shine , and the beauty of my very own natural curl pattern; when properly conditioned. It makes me proud to see the thickness of what God bestowed upon me, before "Creamy Crack" invaded my world. Layman's term: the need to be straight all of the time...the quick and easy fix!:-0

... exercise becomes impossible, April showers are never enjoyed, and nervous sweats...well lets just say, it's like watching biscuits rise!

Is it mainstream beauty or less maintenance?
My hair is in limbo because of my loyalty of loving what God created me to have versus the "WANT" for "KISS"--keeping it simple! In my opinion, beauty is ambiguity and should NEVER be placed in a realm of established truths!

So, that's my story guys, minus a whole bunch of irrelevant factors. I'd love to hear some of your hair stories.

I retail great products for natural and relaxed hair! Check out my website:


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